Title: Ask Nicely
Author: Eris/Darklady Erisa
Email: temperantia178@yahoo.com.au
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack/James
Summary: JN slash. Our dear Commodore is seriously depressed. His officers catch Jack, chain him up, and give him to James hoping it will cheer him up.
Author's Note: This is technically my first Jack/Norrington fic (though I finished and posted Ships and Captains first) and I haven't bothered to work out how Jack should be speaking yet.
Since I find the rules against homosexual relationships to be irritating, in this story they don't exist. The rules against not arresting pirates that it is your job to arrest, however, still stand.
Disclaimer: They belong to each other. And Mouse I guess, whoever/whatever that is.

My thanks to Raphe1 and Hecate who reviewed 'Ships.' You inspired me to finish this one, much faster than I otherwise would have!

Ask Nicely
by Eris/Darklady Erisa

* * *

"I love you, Jamie. Commodore James Norrington."

James rested his head against his desk, Sparrow's words still spinning through his mind.

* * *

There was no way those words could possibly be true, and it had taken hearing them to make him realise just how badly he wished they were. "Damn."


* * *


"Commodore?" The officer sounded understandably timid, given that the last few times anyone had tried to speak to him he had bitten their heads off. "We caught someone for you. Thought it might help cheer you up." A pair of guards pushed the suitably bechained pirate captain into his office and left, shutting the door carefully behind him.

If Jack Sparrow escaping had upset their commander that badly, maybe having him caught again would help. They hoped.

Then again, it could just make matters worse. Just for good measure, they evacuated the premises. No sense putting innocent lives in danger.


* * *


The commodore had snarled miserably at the interruption, about to snap at whoever had disturbed him, but froze the moment he caught sight of the pirate.

Jack went still, unusual for him, catching the anguished expression in those green eyes. James gazed at Sparrow as warily as if he had been the one in chains, not vice versa. The pirate's too perceptive dark eyes caught his and held them, almost soothing.

"Hey now," Jack said softly, tilting his head to one side. "What's all this then?"

"I... Last time you were here..." James faltered.

"I told you I love you, yes."

James flinched. "Why? You can't think that..."

"I just told you 'cos I felt you had a right to know. I'm not going to jump you or anything, Jamie." Jack sounded indignant, the tone almost covering his hurt at the Commodore's mistrust. Almost. James felt the knot of unhappiness that had tortured him for the past months unravel into a mess of quite different emotions. He meant it then? He really does love me? Not the least was an astonished delight at the knowledge.

Somehow the silence had managed to stretch itself out.

Steeling himself, James opened his mouth to declare that he was a Commodore of the Royal Navy, and that Commodores of the Royal Navy didn't go around falling in love with pirate captains, no matter how gorgeous said pirate captains were. Because it was, after all, impossible.

The words died on his tongue.

Jack had a curiously veiled look in his dark eyes, his stance just a little too careless to fool someone who was watching him into thinking he didn't. In fact. Care.

James Norrington realised with a shock that it had never occurred to the pirate that his feelings might be reciprocated. Do you value yourself so little then, my love, for all your talk?

"Not going to jump me?" A hint of a smile touched his lips. "Not even if I ask nicely?" he said lightly.

* * *


Eris, Goddess of Discord, First Lady of the Order of Chaos